What I Would Like To See From The Sixers In The Offseason

What a year for the Sixers. I thought at most they could get the 6th seed because of their inexperience and mediocre depth, but by god did they exceed my expectations. Embiid stayed relatively healthy, JJ averaged a career high, Covington showed he is one of the best defenders in the league, Simmons looked like a vet and showed that he is a superb defender, Dario stepped up his game and was almost lights out from 3, we got rid of players we did not need in Okafor and Stauskas, which led to us getting Belinelli and Ilyasova who have really transformed this team, and players like Justin Anderson and TJ (for a better part of the year) have really shown up in their sparse playing time. This season was beyond amazing, and we are still going strong in the playoffs! Although we are still fighting to win the East (which is actually a possibility), I'm already thinking about the offseason. Re-Sign Key Players JJ to the MLE JJ was absolutely a...